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Sun-Force,2022, oil on canvas,90x90cm






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On the occasion of the exhibition requested for a ph.D.

: Park Sun-nyeo, a candidate of Dankook University Graduate School



Sailing to the Sun, the One Light


1. Encounter


Park Seon-nyeo's work was encountered through a Ph.D. research course at Dankook University Graduate School, and I saw the process of change throughout the research process of her works. Park Sun-nyeo, who had a seriousness and sincere attitude toward her studies, took my art theory class and presented her goals, interests, and artistic perspectives as an artist. She was a lady of confidence who worked on oil paintings with sunflower figures as her main motif, and she captured expressive moods, conversational messages, and hopes for life with her own handwriting, experienced material management, and a delicate nuance. Along with the objectification of a life that is dotted with love and sacrifice, her interpretation of life, which feels almost religious, supports Park Sun-nyeo's work. After about two years of the research process, the shape of the sunflower gradually became abstracted, sublimated into a circle, and the straightforward "sunflower" became abstracted into "light." As the screen is being filled with a large circle, geometric abstractions and lyrical abstractions revealed in the color and the texture of the surface are being proactively combined.

The lyricity and the infinite sense of the original figure are coordinating the nuance of matter and spirit through the main motif of "light". The unity and loyalty of "light" combine people, the universe, objects, and passion, from the sun god of the three-feet crow to the eyes of Monet and science. While the process of Park Seon-nyeo's work proceeds from "Sunflower" to "Circle" and "Concrete" to "Abstract," "Light" and "Hope," which reflect the entire process, are firmly maintained as a sensuous and expressive foundation through the thick Matierre of the screen.






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Park, Sun – Nyeo



- Ph. D. Cand in Western Painting, Formative Arts, Graduate School of Dankook University

- MFA in Painting, Graduate School of Hongik University


[Domestic and Foreign Exhibitions]

- Solo Exhibitions : 20times

Invitation Exhibitions and Group Exhibitions : 250times



2021 Chairman Prize, The Grand Art Exhibition of Korean Academy

2020 Special Selection, The 39th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea

Grand Prize, The 41st Korea Modern Art Festa

2019 Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award, The Korea Modern Women Art Festa

Grand Prize, The 40th Korea Modern Art Festa

2018 Presidential Certificate of The Seoul City Council

Grand Prize, The Dooto Exhibition hosted by Korean Fine Arts Association

Special Selection, The 37th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea

Excellence Prize, The World Art Fair for Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

2016 The Best Teacher Award, The 7th & 8th AKAS Art Festival

2015 Presidential Award of the Organizing Committee, The 5th Environmental International Art Contests, Transport and Maritime

Grand Prize in Western Painting, The Korea Modern Women Festa


Vice Chairman of the Committee for the Study of Formative Arts, Korea Fine Arts Association

Judge, Culture Exhibition of Korea National Police

Judge, Exhibition of Korea Creation Arts Association

Judge & Invited Artist, World Art Exhibition for Peace

Judge & Steering Committee Member, Korea Modern Formative Arts Exhibition

Judge & Steering Committee Member, The Korea Modern Women Festa

Chairman of Steering Committee, AKAS Art Festival

Chairman of Steering Committee, National Arts Department, AKAS

Judge in Western Painting, The Grand Art Exhibition of Korea

Board member of Director, Western Painting Department, The Korea Sinmaek Association


[Contact] 010 – 2700 – 4705

[Address] Park Sun-Nyeo Art Studio, F1, 11, Dongnam-ro 17-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea



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